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We are pleased to announce the 2020 Bonebat Comedy of Horrors Official Selections: “A Monster Family”, produced by Miranda Johnstone, directed by Matthias Hoene, United Kingdom

“A Noise That Carries”, produced by Steven Czikk, directed by Guillermo de la Rosa, Canada

“A Timely Reminder for Time Parter Partners”, produced by One New Mess, directed by Jamie Gower, United States (PNW)

“All Stretched Out”, produced by Trainwrecked Productions/Lunar Dragon LTD, directed by Alastair Train, United Kingdom“

ASMR Xenomorph Attack”, produced and directed by Rhino Stew, USA

“Audiobook of the Dead”, produced and directed by Lyndsey Bohlender, Sean Nichols Lynch, United States

“Backward Creep”, produced by Cinema Fuel productions, directed by Christopher G. Moore, United States

“Blood Oranges” produced by Sam Haynor, directed by Steve Flavin, USA

“Cargo”, produced by Joel Soh, directed by Abhilash Chandra, Malaysia

“Check.”, produced by Ruth, Du, directed by Justin Nelson, United States

“Chicken of the Dead”, produced by Melting Productions, directed by Julien David, France

“Como Y Porque Se Ha Esfumado Don Jose”/“How and Why Don Jose Vanished”, directed by dir. Moshe Ben-Avraham, Spain

“Date Night”, produced by Helium Turktle studios, directed by Chris Lundy, United States

“Dead Air”, produced by Fraught productions, directed by Geoff Harmer, UK

“Dead Teenager Séance”, a Cave Production, directed by Dante Vescio and Rodrigo Gasparini, Brazil

“Demon Box”, directed by Luke Butler and Anthony Campagna, USA

“Disco Graveyard”, produced by Nihil Noctem Films, directed by Izzy Lee, United States

“Don't Feed These Animals”, produced by Nebula Studios, directed by Guilherme Afonso, Jose’ Alves da Silva, and Miguel Madaíl de Freitas, Portugal

“Don't Sneeze”, produced by Forntline Features, directed by Ryan LaPlante, USA

“Five Course Meal”, by Wattpad and The Coup Company, directed by James Cadden, Canada

“Fucking Ghosts”, produced by Superfunny Films and Mary Ellen Moffat, directed by Jason Cook, United States

“Ghost Turd”, produced by Magnetizer, directed by Charles Ward, Australia

“Hopes”, produced by FREAK Independent Film Agency, directed by Raúl Monge, Spain

“Horrorscope”, produced by Fergaht Productions, directed by Pol Diggler, Spain

“HUMANS!”, produced by Violent Hiccups films, directed by Ramon Paradoa, United States

“It Crawled In Through The Window”, produeced by Alex Frankel, directed by Isaac Ruth and Ali Petre, United States

“Lili”, produced by Scarlet Productions, directed by Yfke van Berckelaer, Netherlands

“Lonely Hearts”, produced by Cary Allen Productions, directed by Dennis Cahlo, USA

“Melvin and the Microphone” produced by Ryan Stafford and Glenn Derry, directed by Chris Youngless, United States

“Mr. Ticklez”, produced by The Boxleitner Brothers, directed by Lee and Sam Boxleitner, United States

“My Psycho Fan”, produced by LIISA, directed by Loe Certano, France“O.I.” , produced by Sizzle Snap productions, directed by N'cee van Heerden, Canada

“OverKill”, produced by Purrfessional Pictures, directed by Alex Montilla, United States

“Parka”, produced by Bursell Productions, directed by Marcella Cortland and Alrik Bursell, United States

“Proper British Sex” produced by Superfunny Films, directed by Shant Hamassian, United States

“Re-Home”, produced by Nihil Noctem Films, directed by Izzy Lee, United States

“Scary Stories to Tell by the Campfire: The Green Ribbon”,produced by Shadow Circus Creature Theater, directed by Dave Haaz-Baroque, USA

“Shahkboy”, produced and directed by Jake Peckar, USA

“Shelly”, produced by Curry Brand Films, directed by Emmet Dotan, United States

“Sleep Tight:, produced by Fancy A Jam pictures, directed by Lewis Taylor, United Kingdom

“Solitude”, produced and directed by Eric Reel, USA (PNW

“Split Decision” produced by R4 films, directed by Scott Riopelle, Canada

“Split Tongue”, produced by Justin MacGregor, directed by Shelby Wilson, Canada (PNW)

“The Animator”, produced and directed by Trent Shy, United States

“The Cultist Next Door”, produced bu Choop and Cobra pipe fittings, and Upper Decker Typewriters, directed by Patrick Murphy, USA

“The Devil's Asshole”, produced and directed by Brian Lonano, United States

“The Fortune Teller”, produced by Mama Bear studios, directed by David Ferino, USA

“The Growl from Below”, A Lone Roster production, directed by Trevor C. McGlynn, United States“

The Last Man on Earth Sat Alone in a Room”, produced and directed by Junyi Xiao, China

“The Muffin Man”, produced by Alexandra Pamlieri and Ethan Blum, and directed by Ethan Blum, United States

“The Pen”, produced by Chris Poremba, Jansen Sangala, and Brandon Cabalum, directed by Chris Poremba, USA

“The Soul Collector”, produced by Nxtdream Films, directed by Nick Peterson, United States

“Toe”, produced by Workshed Animation, directed by Neal O'Bryan and Chad Thurman, USA

“Trash Ghost”, produced and directed by Isaac Ruth, United States

“Washed”, produced by Triangle Films, directed by Michael Bartolomeo, USA

“Z-GOAT: First Bleat”, produced by Crackwitch Studio, directed by Julien Jauniaux and Bertran

d Leplae, Belgium

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