New Shirt Design
Oh, man! Check out the the design that graces the torsos at Affordable Treasures this month. I had a lot of fun making this one.
It’s the classic setup: a guy finds a lamp. There is a genie inside, of course. Three wishes are offered. But here’s where the story...
So, I broke my thumb...
There are three things that I do for leisure: drawing pictures, playing video games and... look, the important thing is that all three of...
Screaming in Seattle
It is upon us! The single greatest cinematic event in the history of film. BE THERE!!
One Week Away from The Comedy of Horrors Film Fest
Preview goodness!!
Comedy of Horrors is getting some press
The Last Thing I See has a nice write up about our line up.
The Gunfighter made me laugh
I don't know where this film came from, or how I went so long without noticing it, but The Gunfighter is worth eight minutes and...
Leroy Finds a New Hat (King Octo Wears a Crown)
Rather than working on the BoneBat Comedy of Horrors Film Fest (Tickets on sale now, BTW), I worked on my Illustrator skills. And believe...
New Poster. OOOOO!
Now in it's 8th year, The BoneBat "Comedy of Horrors" Film Fest is an annual evening of giggles and gore, where we present the finest in...
You know Joe?
Here is a great introduction to Joe Frank, if you don't know his work. If you already know it, then it is a nice tribute. And if your are...